ميحرل ٱ نمحرل ٱ ل ل َ ٱ مسب
"In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful"
Written by Osman Ghani, July 26, 2024
In the name of GOD who created everything from nothing for ‘He is the One Who has originated the heavens and the earth, and when He wills to (originate) a thing, He only says to it: 'Be', and it becomes’. He split open the smallest particle and let all the universe came into existence, as some might refer it to Big Bang. He has supreme control and command over each particle of the universe, not the leaf falls but it is in his Knowing. GOD has created every single particle for a reason and with astounding beauty and perfect order, everything in nature is symmetrically balanced to perfection, “And We have built the heaven with might and We continue to expand it indeed. And the Earth We have spread out, and how excellently do We spread it out”. He is beautiful and He loves beauty. All the creation and existence are ordered to help mankind and HE has put the universe in service to mankind, we can see around us how the sun burns to give us life and the moons gravitational pull balances the tide, How the soil nurtures us with its nutritious sustenance and we reap wealth from it. The seas provide the oxygen and tiny planktons are the source to all life for sea. “That We pour down the water, pouring it down in abundance. Then We cleave the earth, cleaving it asunder. Then We cause to grow therein the grain. And grapes and clover. And the olive and the palm. And thick gardens. And fruits and herbage. A provision for you and for your cattle…” He created all the creation for mankind and created mankind for His Self to acknowledge Him, Love Him and Worship Him, to be successful and so He asks, “Do you think that We have created you without purpose, and that you will not be brought before Us?”

Now knowing that everything serves a purpose, service and nothing is without reason should we not then contemplate? as there are signs in this universe for those who take out a moment and think of about coming of day and night, about everything that surrounds. Each particle in the universe is in constant remembrance of its creator, as we know that every atom is in constant vibration containing certain energy and emits light when heated, it means that each atom has a power and effect to make a change within it. “The seven heavens, the earth, and whatever is between them all glorify Him. There is nothing that does not glorify Him and always praise him, but you do not understand their praise and glorification. He is All-forbearing and All-forgiving”. GOD says that we can not understand but HE orders us to contemplate, everything has a reality, we are supposed to ask, what is the benefit of this creation on my reality?
The Seeker is the one who is continuously looking, and GOD wants us to seek and He says ‘are you overlooking my creation?’, ‘I spent a time, I spent a reality and beautified the earth, put all these beautiful ornaments, for you, do you pay attention to them? Or you just pass by Ignoring them?' He did not put the stones and crystals just only as an object of decoration but that they serve a deeper purpose and service to mankind, they behold within them magnificent power that can affect the surrounding around them and thus can also have an impact on us as well. Many of the stones and crystals are known to change the mood and certain situations we get ourselves in. In this blog we are sharing the spiritual insight and effect of some of the known rocks and crystal common in islamic tradition, as well as a little information about how in Islamic tradition and culture spiritual people throughout the history have used them and told us about their benefits.

Islam believes that stones are the creation of God and that they emanate energy that can be transferred to one's body. Gemstones have been used since ancient time in religious worship. Rock crystals, Emeralds, Turquoise, Corals and many others are believed to give spiritual protection and guidance. They are also used for their healing and health benefits. Gems have a special place in Islam. One example of this is Al-Hajar Al-Aswad, the Black Stone, which sits by the Kabah and which Muslims are keen to kiss and touch. Many believe that it is a meteorite that fell from heaven and it has been revered by the ancient people of that region since Abraham gave it to his first son Ishmael and built the Kaaba. Some precious stones such as rubies, pearls and coral are mentioned in the Qur’an. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “(In beauty) they are like rubies and coral”, “Out of them both come out pearl and coral”, “Like unto preserved pearls”. GOD has mentioned the beauty of these stones, and many times are these mentioned to describe heaven; dwellers of heaven will live in palaces carved out of single pearl, and in some places pulpits of rubies are mentioned. Emerald and Red corals are used as bricks in the houses of Paradise. Many prophets, saints and people of wisdom and virtue have known to worn the gemstones, The Prophet Muhammadﷺ used to wear one. It was narrated that Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) wore a ring of silver on his right hand, in which there was an Abyssinian stone, and he used to put the stone facing towards his palm. It is said that the Prophet Muhamad wore on his right hand a silver ring with a Carnelian gemstone. The Prophet wore silver, as muslim men are instructed not to wear gold jewelry. Gold is only allowed to be worn by women. The exact reason is unknown, although recent scientific evidence suggest that gold can interfere with a man's fertility. Reason enough to not doubt the Prophet's advice.

- Aqeeq' (قيقعلا) means quartz in Arabic. Also known as Red Agate, It is said to promote mental clarity and concentration, reducing anxiety and providing emotional stability. Wearing aqeeq can help one stay grounded and focused, balancing emotional turmoil.
- Spiritual Benefits: Spiritually, the aqeeq stone is thought to provide protection from negative energies. It is often used as a talisman to ward off evil and bring positive energy into one’s life. Its grounding properties make it an excellent stone for meditation and spiritual practices.
The rose quartz has an immense warmth, it has a very powerful zikr within it, anyone who is trying to meditate and the material world is distracting them and are not being able to feel the warmth withing their own heart, when they meditate, they should hold the rose quartz for while. It would give the heart power for it has high heat tendency to absorb heat.
Turquoise has been a sacred stone for many ancient civilizations and cultures such as the ancient Egyptians, the Mesoamericans, Persians, Mesopotamians, the Incas, people of the Indus Valley, the ancient Chinese, and of course, the Muslims. In many cultures of the Old and New Worlds, turquoise has been esteemed as a holy stone, a bringer of good fortune and health. Muslims say that those who wear turquoise are welcoming riches and fortune to come into their lives and homes. The best turquoise in the world is found in Iran where it has been mined for thousands of years. It comes in a beautiful heaven blue color. Traditionally these turquoise gemstones are used as talismans with inscriptions from the Quran.
Repels the Evil Eye
It keeps away sickness and every type of difficulty and calamity, it absorbs the evil eye of people with the its energy to pull to it and attractive color 'Don’t look at this servant Look at me' with the result of the eye going first on the stone the bad energy will be absorbed by the ring and not onto the person! Another sacred gemstone is the Ruby, known to them as Yakut. Muslim tradition says that after Adam was thrown out of the Garden of Eden or Jannah, he travelled to Sri Lanka and where his feet touched land, he created whole mountain of gems, rubies being one of them.
Ruby was said to prevent blood loss, cure blood and heart diseases, protect its wearer from nightmares, and bring light to the eyes of those who gaze on it. It is also said that ruby vanquishes poverty.
Hadid, or iron, the name given to Hematite gemstone, is another sacred stone in the Islamic tradition. Wearing hematite is believed to give strength and is a great protector from danger and from the temptations of the devils. Hematite which is of a metallic color, is recommended not to be used on a daily basis but only when going on a long and dangerous trip.
The purpose of this blog was to raise awareness about the power and energy GOD has manifested in things around us for our help, to heed attention to it and seek benefit from it. To get to know the reality of stones and their spiritual effect on us. To acknowledge the power of The Creator and that ultimately all the help and aid in this life comes through Him, to ask and rely only on Him the one who has created all this existence; for it is He who has given power to all, we can only truly benefit from the creation as long as we have faith in The Creator. God is indeed the greatest! There are many other stones, quartz and crystals but I shared the insight of only few with you. Lots of other benefits of different stones are on this website, if you are to buy one you feel in your heart what suits you and chose a stone that you love!